[HeathKit] WTB: CW Filter for Heatkit HW-101

Andy Wallace wallace at WORLD.STD.COM
Sun Jan 2 17:11:59 EST 2000

Hello, "Rob Dunn" <dunnr at ix.netcom.com>!

>I know its a longshot but I am looking for the optional CW crystal filter
>for the Heatkit HW-101 80-10m transceiver.
>The catalog number I have seen was "SBA-301-2, 400 Hz CW Crystal

Rob, and everyone, International Radio has crystal filters to fit the Heath


and most other ham rigs. The Heath CW ones are 250 and 400 Hz and $100.
You may find them used, of course, cheaper -- but it's nice that Inrad
(ex-Fox/Tango) is still around.

No affiliation/caveat emptor

wallace at world.std.com

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