FS: 8 Years of Boatanchors List Archives

Michael Crestohl mc at SOVER.NET
Wed Jan 12 09:51:50 EST 2000

Hi All:

I have a big stack of over 30 diskettes (1.44MB) containing all the
original Boatanchors List archives from August 1992 to April 1998 in ZIP
firmat.  This contains every post made to that list from it's
inception.  Recently I transferred these archives over to CD.  I kept two
sets as I was saving the archives and now that I have this material on CD
it seems pointless to keep the diskettes any longer.  A few months ago I
got rid of the first set and now have decided to do the same with the
backup copies.

I would like to sell the complete set for $20.00 which includes postage
within the USA.  This is what I sold the original set for a few months
ago.  Please do not ask me to make copies or provide CDs of this
material.  I just want to get about .50 per diskette which is about what
they cost new.

If interested please reply by e-mail.

73 all,

Michael Crestohl, W1RC
mc at sover.net

Michael Crestohl
mc at sover.net

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