FS: Heathkit SB-201 - BR RSS-5

Joseph Lutz kwz99 at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Jan 19 11:51:35 EST 2000

Hi all,

    A couple more items to go - have to get a bit of working capital to
upgrade my shack.  The following are plus shipping - and it would probably
be best that the RSS-5 was picked up as it is over 60#.

[1] Heathkit SB-201 - Has the factory 10M modification installed.  Front
panel shows wear around the dials.  Wired for 220VAC - bought at Richmond
Hamfest before coming up here and have not had a chance to change it over to
120VAC to put it on line.  Have the SB-200 and 230 so this PA is excess to
my needs.
$280.00 plus shipping.

[2]  BR Communications RSS-5 Spectrum Monitor.  This unit is designed for
operation as an integral part for use in the frequency management of HF
radio nets.  However, the RSS-5 is a complete unit, requiring only the
connection of a broadband antenna for independent operation as an HF
spectrum monitoring receiver.  It is a microprocessor-controlled radio
receiver that functions as a scanning spectrum monitor for the statistical
analysis of signals in the HF range.  This unit is in pristine condition
with it being tested periodically to ensure operational status.  Rack
mounted w/full manual.
$1000.00 - local pick up only.  [Would consider trade for KNWD TL-922A for
use with my 940S/AT].

Thanks, a while back there was someone that was looking for either the MR or
MT1 - I will be posting the MR/MT-1 [will be a pkg 2/MR-1's & 1/MT-1 with I
think the HP-20 PS & a mike], when I dig them out during the moved down to
the shack.


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