Want: SW-3 Bandspread coil winding data

Don Buska d.buska at ADVANTEST.COM
Wed Jan 26 12:37:34 EST 2000

Hello All,

I am anxously waiting for an SW-3 to arrive at the shack.  However, this one is
coming without coils (although coil forms are included).  I am in need of coil
winding information on the bandspread coil sets.  Niel's wonderful National
Webpage (Radio Bay) has excellent details on the general coverage coils, but
nothing about the specifics of the bandspread versions.  I'm primarily
interested in 80 meters for starters.

Has anyone ever documented this?  My SW-3 manual, old QST/CQ/ER articles don't
supply any details either.


Don N9OO

**                                                                **
**  Don Buska N9OO (Call Since 1977)   Mgr - Parts & Repair Ctr   **
**  4805 64th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144   Advantest America Inc.     **
**  (262)654-0072                      (847)821-3393              **
**  n9oo at qsl.net                   fax (847)634-2872              **
**  Grid EN62bo                                                   **
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**   AMI     |  UTC and other transformer companies.  |   ARRL-LM **
**   QCWA    |                                        |           **
**   JMS     |  Magazines: 73 Mag's from 1960/61      |           **
**                                                                **
**                  http://www.qsl.net/n9oo                       **
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