Wanted: NC-300 parts/Antenna relay

Bob Groh WA2CKY rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Tue Mar 14 00:37:34 EST 2000

I wouldn't mind getting those strips for my NC-303!  So if
more than 1 pair, please let me know.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

Mark Langenfeld wrote:
> If anyone is parting-out an NC-300 (or -303), I am looking for the two
> vertical metal strips that cover the rack-mounting cutouts at each side of
> the front panel. I think these are purely cosmetic, but I'd like to
> replace the missing ones on my '300 anyway.
> Also looking for a good, serviceable Dow Key relay with SO-239s AND
> external SPDT switch (actually would prefer a DPDT accessory switch -- but
> I can't recall whether that was an available option). Would also consider
> a nice EFJ 275W Matchbox w/internal T/R relay and switching.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks and 73,
> Mark  WA9ETW

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