Swan 500 Oscillation

Bob bmiller at CALWEB.COM
Fri Mar 17 17:08:32 EST 2000

Check Fair Radio as they had them for a bout 18 bucks or so not that long
ago.  You may also want to convert the thing to the beam tube used in the
later Swans.  6JH8 or something like that... there are surely a bunch of
folks on the list who can help you with that item.  Also make sure that the
7360 is truely bad and not some bypassing problem or audio oscillation since
just pulling the 7360 only breaks the string.  If the audio section is
oscillating, the problem may just appear to go away without this balance
modulator in place.  Just a thought.


    Bob, KE6F
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Hollander <davidh at getnet.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 9:21 PM
Subject: Swan 500 Oscillation

> Thanks to all who gave me suggestions but none caught the problem. Turns
> out that a bad 7360 tube is causing the oscillation. Removing it from
> the socket  makes the oscillation  go away. And the transmitter won't
> work with out this tube. Now the issue is where to find a 7360. They are
> $45 at AES which is about half of the value of the radio. Any
> suggestions anyone - their is no direct replacement as far as I have
> been able to determine.
> Thanks for the help
> Dave N7RK
> --
> ************************************************************************
> Dave  N7RK -  Webmaster CADXA
> Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*
>             ex-XE2/N7RK, N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX
> Boatanchor Collector Extraordinaire preferring Hallicrafters, National
> and what ever else looks interesting!
> E-Mail: davidh at getnet.com  My Home Page:  http://www.getnet.com/~davidh
> Visit the Central Arizona DX Association Home page - http://cadxa.org

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