Must Sell: Tempo One Gear

DavidC eDoc at NETZERO.NET
Thu Mar 30 14:59:27 EST 2000

Must sell the following to pay for a recently acquired Drake tuner.

1.  Tempo One HF rig, clean and complete.  Needs tuneup.  $70.
2.  Tempo One Power Supply w/speaker.  Nice condition.  $40.
3.  Tempo One parts rig.  Generally complete.  Incl. case. $35.
4.  Tempo One parts rig.  Generally complete.  No. case.  $25.

(Parts are interchangable with Yaesu FT-200.  #3 is a FT-200.)

Asking prices include shipping within continental U.S. (conus).

- Thanks! & 73, DavidC  K1YP in Hudson, FL


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