FS: SX-117, TriEx Tower, KLM KT 34A

Al Parker anchor at COASTALNET.COM
Wed May 31 19:50:50 EDT 2000

        This listing for a friend.  Please contact him, not me.
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 15:09:34 -0700
From: "Jonathan Ho" <Jonathan.Ho at xilinx.com>
I have two items for sale.  I cannot post it on the
boatanchor at tempo.gov.
If you do, please help.  Thanks.
Item #1:


I have a SX117 that is excess to my need.  I would like to
sell it for $225 plus shipping and handling.  The unit is fully
functional.  All tubes have been checked and replaced if they
appeared to be soft.

Cosmatically, there are minor chippings at the corners.  Chasis
is in perfect condition.

Please email if interested.  Thanks for reading this message.


Item #2:
Subject: FS:TriEx LM354 tower package + KLM KT 34A antenna.


I have above mentioned items for sale. The package contains
a 54 ft crank-up tower, 18 ft heavy duty mast, thrust bearing, and
HamIV rotator.  All items are 5 years old and I bought them
new 5 years ago.

Please email if interested.  Thanks for reading this message.


From: "Jonathan Ho" <Jonathan.Ho at xilinx.com>

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