WTT: 75A3/W3HM for Hammarlund SPC-10

Grant Youngman nq5t at HOME.COM
Thu Oct 5 23:39:35 EDT 2000

Gents ...

I am looking for a Hammarlund SPC-10 and have an exceptional 75A3
restored by W3HM that I would consider trading.

The 75A3 is in vritually flawless condition, with an 8R-1 calibrator and both
3.1 Khz and 6 Khz filters.  It also has a product detector installed by
W3HM.  Some pics:


If you have an SPC-10 in excellent physical shape and working, and might
be interested in a trade, drop me a private email.  I'm tentatively going to
Belton (TX) on Saturday.


Grant Youngman / NQ5T
nq5t at home.com
Double Oak, TX -- nr Dallas

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