Gonna fix up that ol' SP-600

Lenny-t lenny-t at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Sun Oct 8 11:34:03 EDT 2000

Over the past year after seeing photos of some of the really great
looking SP-600 BAs that some folks have, I decided to bite the bullet
and chase the spiders out of my SP-600 and get on with the restoration
which has been hanging fire for a looong time. Maybe someone the list
can point me in the right direction:

1. CABINET - I know Premier would make them if they got an order for 20
or more. This information is old. Does anybody have any newer info on
cabinet supply?

2. CIRCULAR DIALS - I want to replace both dials since they have some
corrosion (I bought the unit that way). I remember a few years ago
(pre-www) there was someone called "hammarlundguy" on the net who had a
mighty supply of parts at reasonable cost. Does anybody have info on
Hammarlund parts supply?


---Lenny (ex-W1MEL - someday I'll get that call back too.)

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