EV 638 Mikes on stand

Gene Holcombe n5zdf at NETDOOR.COM
Sun Oct 8 15:12:06 EDT 2000

Both of the EV 638 mikes have been sold.  Thanx for many responses.

73  Gene
-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Holcombe <n5zdf at netdoor.com>
To: Collins at listserv.tempe.gov <Collins at listserv.tempe.gov>;
heath at listserv.tempe.gov <heath at listserv.tempe.gov>;
boatanchors at listserv.tempe.gov <boatanchors at listserv.tempe.gov>
Date: Sunday, October 08, 2000 11:19 AM
Subject: EV 638 Mikes on stand

>I have for sale two of the EV 638 mikes for sale.  Each has coiled mike
>cord.  One  has Heath mike plug and one has Collins PJ068 mike plug.
>at $80 each including shipping to your door.  Satisfaction to you or return
>for refund.
>Gene  N5ZDF

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