Dial manufacturer

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Thu Oct 12 22:31:32 EDT 2000

Hi Gang,

Just found something that might be of interest. The company
Rock-Sea is a dial manufacturer. Below is their posting of
*discontinued* dials which may give an idea of what their
present line might contain.

73, Jeff KH6O

Subject: Re: Discontinued items. Rock-Sea Update 10-9-2000
rockseaent at aol.com wrote:
>The following decal or dial scale items have been discontinued.
>Astro  Diamond Shaped
>Celect  Embassy
>Chevrolet  1939
>Colonial  301
>Hallicrafters  SX110
>Hallicrafters  S40 Index w/numbers
>Hallicrafters  SX24 Tuning Lens
>Hallicrafters  SX24 Bandspread Lens
>Hallicrafters  SX25 Bandspread Lens
>Hallicrafters  SX43 Index w/numbers
>Johnson  Antenna Rotator
>Larcophonic  Drum Dial
>McIntosh  1700
>McIntosh  MR55A
>Mopar  800
>Radiolette  88
>Radion  Daventry
>RCA  AR88
>RCA  CR91
>Remler  26
>Remler  30
>Remler  40
>Remler  71
>RME  70
>Sansui  1000
>Sears  4788 set
>Superior  T37 Sig Gen
>Rock-Sea Enterprises
>PMB  241
>323-110  E. Matilija St.
>Ojai,  CA  93023
>(805) 646-7362
>We are closed during the last two weeks of each calendar quarter.
>Keep up to date with DIAL NEWS - our quarterly insider newsletter.
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>Annual subscription US $4; Canada, Mexico & Foreign Air $6.

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