
Jim Strohm jstrohm at TEXAS.NET
Fri Sep 8 20:49:12 EDT 2000

>Could someone give me an idea as to the fair value of equipment racks. This
>unit is
>6' 6'' high, 19" rack width, and has the nice stainless trims top and bottom.
>Also has a rear door and 22" deep. I forgot to look close but I believe it is

I've always seen it to be a totally haphazard market.  To get racks the last
time I needed 'em (a few weeks ago) I got a pair of guillotine-style open
cut 'em in half, and made sides and a top.  $15 for two six-footers and
$500 for
my time.

Last time I sold a rack that size, I got $20.  I got that rack free.

In fact, most of the racks I get are free, and I have to haul them to the
dump myself half the time whr it's time to move on.

If you find a buyer....?  Well, _new_ racks with comparable features
start at $1200.  Go figure.


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