BoatAnchor Manual Archive Update.

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm at LYNCHBURG.NET
Sat Sep 9 19:00:05 EDT 2000

A series of problems has plagued BAMA recently.  The failure of the
router near Washington, DC that serves effectively put BAMA out
of reach a few days in August.  More recently, a problem with the ftp
software on the server has allowed users to remain connected...resulting
in "hung processes" on the box.  With a maximum number of users set at
5, if there are several of the users "still connected" it can become
very difficult if not impossible to get through to the ftp site.  The
hung processes were cleared on Friday morning.  However, by Saturday
afternoon, the symptoms were back again.  We will be working on this

On a brighter note...
The following materials have been added to the BoatAnchor Manual
Archive, the free cooperative boatanchor manual project at

Manual for B&W 5100 transmitter from Don Flenner, W3YCH.
Manual for B&W 51SB sideband adapter from Don Flenner, W3YCH.  (This
   folder now contains the schematic and parts list formerly found in
   B&W 5100B folder provided by Chuck Swiger, KB4NEW.)
Manual for Dentron RT-3000 from Ron Biggerstaff, K5BDJ.
Manual for Dentron Clipperton L from Tom Krohn, K3IJ
    and Bill Feissner, AI3Q.
Manual for Drake MN-2000 from Ron Biggerstaff, K5BDJ.
Installation and Operation of DX Engineering Speech Processor for T4X
from Bob     Rainbolt, WB0AUQ.
Schematic for Eddystone EC659 from Alan Bain, M5AIQ.
Schematic for Eddystone EC670 from Alan Bain, M5AIQ.
Manual for Eldico EE-3A Keyer from Don Stalkowski, VE3HUR.
Complete schematic for Hallicrafters HT-37 from Gary Phillips, KA9NZI,
    added to the HT-37 folder.
Manual for Hallicrafters S-20 from Bob Cole, W4RLC.
Schematic of the original Hallicrafters S-38  from Kevan Coleman,
Manual for Hallicrafters SX-32 from Bob Cole, W4RLC.
Conversion material and schematic of mil receiver R-45/ARR-7 based on
SX-28.   Compliments of Ray
    Colbert, W5XE, Kenneth Colbert, KB5MLY and Brian Hill.
Manual for Hammarlund HQ-145X from Dick Blaney,  WB8MHE and Pete Owen.
Manual for Hammarlund HQ-200 from Phil Bartells and Pete Wokoun, KH6GRT.
Additional material on Heath MR-1 from Francis Mauser, WA8SDA.
Partial manual for Heath PS-3 from Garey Barrell, K4OAH.
Mod "Soup up the Heath SB-301 for $7" from Stu Lyon, W6CUX.
Brochures with schematics for Johnson Viking Adventurer,
Johnson Viking Courier,   and Johnson Viking Kilowatt from
    Don Stalkowski, VE3HUR.
Operating Instructions for Johnson Viking 250-24 SWR Bridge from Don
Stalkowski, VE3HUR.
Manual for National NC-100ASD from Andy Gluis, VK5AAQ.
Manual and materials for National VFO-62 from Bob Cole, W4RLC.
Manual for SBE SB2-LA from Ron Biggerstaff, K5BDJ.
Manual for Stancor ST-202A from Ron Patterson, W6FM.
Manual for WRL Globe Scout from Don Flenner, W3YCH.
Schematic for FL-200B Yaesu-Sommerkamp transmitter from Alan Bain,

These new additions plus several hundred other manuals are now
available.  Please drop by and download to your heart's content.  While
you are waiting for your manual to download, think good thoughts about
the folks who have uploaded the manuals that you find helpful.  Without
their willingness to share their manuals, BAMA would not amount to very

If you have a manual that is not found on BAMA that you would be willing
to scan and share it with the BA community, please drop me a line and
I'll help you get started.

Thanks to all of those who support BAMA.


Ken K4XL
k4xl at
*** BoatAnchor Manual Archive ***
On the web at or
FTP site info: login: anonymous p/w: youremailadr

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