Meters to Give Away

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sun Sep 10 11:45:54 EDT 2000

Hey Guys  Wow  how many people  want meters!!!!
Stop guys all gone in first five minutes....
I tried to give these away at the last two Belton
Hamfests and they kept comming home....

Bob K1JNN/5

I have the following Meters that I will give away...
Just send me the postage....
0-150 VAC   WESTON  2 3/4 " Round
0-10 Amp RF Weston  3" Square
0-5KV DC Phastron  3 1/2 " Round

No dealers please!!!!  All seem to have good movements..
AC has been tested and works....

Bob K1JNN/5

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