Fwd: [QCWA] W9OVZ SK ESTATE SALE 8/11,8/12 9 to 5, Racine,Wi CONTACT is W0WLN, Bob Jensen

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Wed Aug 1 07:33:27 EDT 2001

Am forwarding this from the QCWA list....Looks like lots of nice stuff....

Bob K1JNN/5

>Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 23:54:34 -0400
>From: "K.L.Knoff" <knoff at execpc.com>
>Subject: [QCWA] W9OVZ SK ESTATE SALE 8/11,8/12 9 to 5,
>  Racine,Wi CONTACT is W0WLN, Bob Jensen
>Sender: owner-qcwa at qth.net
>To: "Robert N. Jensen W0WLN QCWA" <w0wln at wi.net>
>Cc: qcwa at qth.net
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)
>X-Authentication-warning: listserver.qth.net: mail owned process doing -bs
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>W9OVZ long time (1933) Ham and Elmer to many has become a SK, and at
>the request of his family and as a courtesy to our silent QCWA member,
>QCWA ch. 162 has agreed to organize and sell his extensive collection.
>WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, August 11th and 12th . 9AM to 5PM
>WHERE: Racine, Wi. Interstate 94 to Highway 20 EAST
>to Highway 31 (Green Bay Road) NORTH
>to Graceland (2nd street on right) EAST
>to South side of Graceland (you will see all the HAMS cars).
>WHAT:partial listing follows of more than 550 items!
>TRANSCEIVERS: Alda 103,Alinco D180-t,Alinco DJ180,Kenwood TR-7730(Q=2),
>Kenwood 7400A,MFJ-9020,MFJ-9040,Military RT-11-A APN-12,Yaseu 101EE,
>Yaseu FR101E, Yaseu FT-203R,Wilson HH152(2)
>RECEIVERS:Mil BC-348, Hallicrafters SX-99, Hunter 80 40 20 15 10M,
>Home Brew, Hammarlund SUPER PRO, Hammarlund HQ110, Hammarlund SP 600,
>Miltary Set trans/rcvr SCR522
>TUBES: Lots of miniature, medium and large, a few 813's ETC
>MISCELLANEOUS: Most anything HAM related you need in quantity used/NOS.
>FOR FURTHER INFO: Bob Jensen 262-886-8551 or internet w0wln at wi.net
>Prices firm Saturday, Negotiable Sunday (in deference to those working)
>To leave QCWA , send mailto:majordomo at qth.net
>with the BODY of the message containing:
>unsubscribe qcwa

Best 73's from:
Bob Peters K1JNN
Member Dallas Posse

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