"Reforming Caps" LONG

john iverson K0EWU jackiv at JUNO.COM
Wed Aug 8 13:25:15 EDT 2001

I think that a comment is in order on using a "variac" to bring the
voltage up slowly to re-form caps.  As we know, the vacuum tube
rectifiers do not work until the cathode or filament gets hot enough to
emit electrons.  It is best in this situation to temporarily replace the
tube with some silicon rectifiers so the hv line comes up as the input
does.  A simple plug in thing can be made using an old tube base and four
1N4007 silicon devices.  Use 2 in series for each plate connection with
the cathode ends to the proper pin on the tube base, the old filament or
cathode pin.
This truly brings up the voltage slowly. An AC ammeter in the ac line to
the reciever is a great help, lets you know if  something is not
reforming and is starting to short.
Jack   K0EWU

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 09:47:28 +0100 Paul Hendershott <pjhend at AMERITECH.NET>
> Thanks to the group for all your help and suggestions on the proper
> way
> to reform caps!
> As always, I learned things that I didn't know and had questions
> answered that I hadn't even thought to ask. Great group!
> Paul    KB9YVP
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