Need advice on chassis cleaning

Jim Berry basalop at GTE.NET
Mon Aug 13 12:51:15 EDT 2001

Hi Folks,

I have been watching this one with much attention.  In the past I
have found some crud filled radio's.

The only thing I can add is the use of those foam brushes.  You can
buy whole bundles of them real cheap.  They would be perfect for
getting into small places.

I have saved much of the cleaning tips from others who have made
suggestions in the past.  I cannot add much more.  Just be very
careful of some of the cleaners.  If you get anything other than mild
soap and water on the paint of some of this old stuff, you are asking
for trouble.  Just use something that is strong enough to cut the

Find something to protect any bare surface.  You can get off oil and
dirt, but that oil and dirt may have actually protected bare aluminum
or steel surfaces for many years.

73 Jim K7SLI

> -----Original Message-----

> Stu  Willcox W7FE
> Subject: Need advice on chassis cleaning
> I'm looking for advice on what works best for cleaning
> chassis and associated
> parts. For example, I'd like to clean up a Ranger which
> has some sort of
> light oily residue over most everything, and dirt has been

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