Free stuff

Murray Grandy mgrandy at TELUS.NET
Tue Aug 28 17:28:18 EDT 2001

The following items are free for the cost of shipping. I can send pictures
to anyone interested. If there are no takers it will all go to the D-U-M-P.
2, B&K Cabinets. 1, Model 1077B and 1, Model 415. About 17" L, 9" H and
10,3/4 " D.
1, B&K Scope Model 1460. Vertical ok, no horizontal.
3, Autosyn Motors.
1, Meter Movement, 3,1/8" Sq. Has 2, ohms scale.
1, Meter Movement, Weston 3,1/2" round. 0-150 Volts??.
3, Dinion, (Dinion Coil Co.) enclosed inductors. 2HYS. 155 ohms.
3, Dinion (Dinion Coil Co.) Vibrator Transformers.
Several old Thordarson Transformers. Still mounted on chassis of antique
1, Cabinet, similar to Heath SB equipment.
2, Antique Relays. In Black metal box  about 4,1/4 x 2,5/8 x 2,3/4.

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