Solid state rectifier replacements?

Jim Strohm jstrohm at TEXAS.NET
Tue Feb 13 23:38:07 EST 2001

"Stephens, Al" <Allan.Stephens at EKU.EDU> asks...

>So where can I get a few of these (I almost said "cheap," but I know better

My last set came from a swapfest for a dollar each, including sockets.  I
thought they were what they turned out to be, and apparently the seller
didn't know that.

Stuck 'em in my Invader 2000.  Alas, no more blinking in the dark.


P.S. They do turn up on that auction place about once a month, so you might
keep an eye out -- trouble is, either the seller knows what they are and
wants an arm and a leg, or he doesn't know -- but other bidders do, so you
still pay an arm and a leg.

If I can get to the swap fest this weekend, I'll keep my eyes out for some.

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