How to read postage-stamp micas (not the color dots)

Mike Silva mjsilva at JPS.NET
Mon Feb 26 20:44:50 EST 2001

Hi all,

I've got some postage-stamp micas that have their values indicated via text
rather than color dots, and I don't know the code (except I can figure out
the mmf's).  Some examples:

CM35E 103 JN3 (0.01 uf)
CM30F 242 JP3 (2400 mmf)
CM35F 103 GP3 (0.01 uf)

It's the CM stuff and the JN/JP/GP stuff I don't know.  Checked some ARRL
handbooks from 1950 to 1980 and didn't see anything.  Mostly I care about
the voltage ratings.  Thanks!

Mike, KK6GM

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