FS Transformers
Tue Feb 27 14:12:39 EST 2001
More items that will regrettably go to the dumpster if not sold this
week (I can't move this stuff and can't leave it here). The following
prices are if sold individually. For a price on the whole batch, see
end of message:
Heath DX-60B Power Transformer. 110V Pri. Sec. 260V@ 200 ma, 110V @ 30
ma. (for bias) and 6.3V @ 4A. $35.00.
Heath SB-400 Power Transformer. Very husky. 720V @ 250 ma., 150V for
bias supply, 95V @ 100 ma., and two 6.3V windings. $50.00.
Stancor Modulation Transformer (Military style) TF 4SX14YY. Don't know
what it was used in. 90W max, 45W nominal ICAS ratings. Matches 200
ohms to either 5500-ohms or 2000-ohms,and I suppose you could series the
secondaries for 7K-ohms. 1200 peak working volts. $15.00.
Triad Power Transformer from very big TV set. Full secondary with
bridge rectifier will produce about 980VDC @ 90 ma., or about 88 watts
ICAS. Also 2 husky 6-volt windings. $35.00.
Transformer from SONAR CB Linear (here's another one removed from 11
meters!!!), 260V @ 400 ma. and 6.3V @ 5A. Was used to power 4 6JB6
tubes. $10.00.
Two Army Ordinance #7629806 666002 transformers of unknown origin. 115V
primaries, and two secondaries of 6.3V @ 3.6A, plus 2 windings on each
of 15V @ .004A. $15.00 for both.
3 AE TX-122 transformers, 12VCT @ 2A. NEW. $36.00 for all 3.
1 AE TX-2015; 20VCT @ 1.5A. NEW. $8.00.
Stancor P-6308. Pri 110-117V, Sec. 6.3V @ 10A. 2500V insulation.
Power Transformer for Hickock Model 532 Tube Tester (many voltages).
Collins modulation transformer, 20W, 1:1 ratio, 6K-ohms to 6K-ohms.
AE P-TK31 Audio Output transformer, Pri. 5K-ohms, Sec. 8-ohms. 8
watts. NEW. $6.00.
OK--the prices above are what I paid for the units. If sold singly,
those prices hold. If someone wants the whole bunch, they can be
shipped in two boxes weighing about 38 pounds each.
The prices above total $240.00. Take 'em all for $100.00, plus $34.00
packing and UPS Ground shipping anywhere in the lower 48.
Keith, K4KGW
Suburban Atlanta, GA
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