Need Part from Heath SB-100/101/102 or HW-100/101 L-901, 425uH Final Amp Choke

Rob Dunn dunnr at IX.NETCOM.COM
Mon Jan 1 12:14:07 EST 2001

Hi All,

I have a Heathkit SB-100 that is going to need more help than I had hoped.
Don't know what I will find when I have been all the way through this.  For
now though I know that I need  the choke that provides HV to the 6146
Finals.  It is labeled "L-901" in the schmatic and is a 425uH RF choke that
mounts vertically on a ceramic form inside the finals cage on the SB-100.
The part number that I have is 45-41.  This is the same part labeld as
either "L-901" or RFC-901" in the HW-100 and HW-101 as well as the SB-101
and SB-102.

If you have one available please let me know.

73, Rob Dunn, KD7HRN
4568 Carol Circle
Las Vegas, NV  89120

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