Transformer Info

Kenneth D. Grimm grimm at LYNCHBURG.NET
Mon Jan 8 08:20:59 EST 2001

Rick Robinson wrote:
> A good addition to the BAMA site would be some old transformer
> manufacturers sheets and catalogs such as, UTC, Stancor, etc. I'll dig
> through my filing cabinets and see what I can find.  Pre-70s editions of
> the ARRL Handbook have ads from manufacturers that contain data on
> transformers.
> I know this would be a valuable resource to the old radio community.
> 73,
> Rick Robinson kf4ar

Hi Rick,

I agree!  I think that would make a very useful addition to the
collection.  Hardly a day goes by that I don't see at least one question
about an old transformer or choke.
Actual catalogs from the companies themselves would be best.  Old Radio
Master catalogs might be a good source too.

Thanks for thinking of BAMA.

Ken K4XL
k4xl at
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