XMTRs, RCVRs, XCVRs & Accessories for sale.

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sat Jan 13 11:07:30 EST 2001

Bunch of items to sell here:

Drake 2C receiver with manual

Hammarlund HQ-110 receiver with manual.

Hallicrafters S-107 receiver

Hallicrafters S-29 Comfort receiver.

National NC-300 receiver WITH the original
speaker (Rare)

Swan Cygnet HF transceiver

Ten Tec Century 21 Model 570 solid state CW

TenTec K40 keyer with built-in paddles.

RME receiver convertor

HAM KEY Iambic paddles

TRAC CW keyer

Micromatch Model 262 SWR meter

Knight P2 SWR bridge

B & W Low Pass Filter FL-10/1500

Drake Low-pass filter. Model TV-100LP

General Radio Variac

Boonton adapters/attentuators

AN/URM-120A/U Wattmeter

ME-57 A/U Modulation Meter

TS-418 C/U Signal Generator

TRIAD Xfmr 5 Volt C.T. at 14 Amps

Westinghouse Tube Portable AC-DC receiver

TERMINAL BOARDS - for tube homebrewers

Pyramid Gold series 12V 22A Power supply

Panasonic 8-track tape player

J.C. Penney 23-Channel CB Radio

WILLIAM NYE CO. CW straight key

Shure desk microphone

Complete details at:

Will add pictures later today.

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