Opinion of Wavetek 3000 series Signal Generator

Bill Cotter bcotter at POP.UKY.EDU
Fri Jan 19 10:44:26 EST 2001


I use a couple of the Wavetek (model 144 and 180) function
generators for BA IF sweep-alignment. The prices for these used is
nearly giveaway on e-Bay ($68 and $100, respectively), and they
work quite nicely. Granted, they are not a HP-8640B for stability,
accuracy, range, attenuation or modulation. But my HP-8640B cost a
LOT more and doesn't sweep! Forget doing a swept alignment to
optimize the bandwidth of an IF strip, unless you have a generator
capable of this. I formerly used a HP-8601, but it was too critical
(tuning stability) at the low HF end to get a nice sweep width at
50kHz-1,600kHz. The LF range of the Waveteks are perfect in this
use, and their minor instability (phase noise) or minor drift (10's
of cycles per hour) isn't an issue. I'm not familiar with the 3000
series, but I have used Wavetek generators for over 25yrs and have
been quite happy with their product.

73 es cul bill n4alg

At 04:27 PM 1/18/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Hey BA Guys,
>I was reviewing the going prices on the WAVETEK 3000's series
Signal Generators.  I
>was surprised to see them selling for around $100-$200 range quite
often.  Does anyone
>in BA land have experience with these?  Are they any good?  How do
they compare to the
>Hewlett Packard 8640B which usually sells for a couple hundred
bucks more?  Seems like
>they have very close general specs.
>Looks like it will be a good replacement for my HP608C, plus get
the added LF coverage
>need for BA alignment work.
>Don N9OO

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