{Collins} RF connectors

Dave Lilly dalilly at ATTGLOBAL.NET
Sun Jan 21 15:02:15 EST 2001

Hello Bob:
I have some connectors / cables for sale that might interest you, buyer pays
shipping -

(8) military RG-8 cable assemblies each 17" long with one "straight" and one
"90-degree" N-connector.  I used a pair of these with an N-Barrel connector
to to between an S-line station console and a 30L1.  (That way you have a
34" long RG-8 cable assembly with two 90 degree ends....)  The Barrels are
$5.00 each and the cables are $5.00 each.  I have (9) barrels.

If you would rather have 90 degree n-connectors, I have (4) new male -
female 90 degree N-connectors at $6.00 each.

I have (10) UG-21D/U straight N-connectors for use with RG-8 brand new in
sealed plastic bags with all hardware for sale at $5.00 each.  These apear
to be silver, the finish is not chrome.

I have (3) N-Jack to BNC-Plug at $7.00 each

I have (2) N-Plut to BNC-Jack at $7.00 each

Thanks, Dave KG4APW

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Sullivan" <bobs at isquare.com>
To: "Collins ListServ" <COLLINS at LISTSERVE.COM>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 9:34 PM
Subject: {Collins} RF connectors

> Anyone have a source of inexpensive UHF and N connectors? I'm looking for
> N-male to UHF-female and right angle N. There are plenty of places but,
> are they expensive! For example, $15 and $9 each respectively at Newark.
> 73, Bob
> Sponsored by the Collins Collectors Association
> Nets: Tues: 3.805 Mc-2000 Central / Thur: 3.875 Mc-2000 Central
> Fri: 3.895 Mc-2000 Pacific / Sun: 14.263 Mc-2000 UTC

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