FS war surplus

Wed Jan 31 12:30:19 EST 2001

I have severak oieces of surplus gear which someone may find usefull.

(1)  Command receiver 1.5 - 3 mhz. Missing case, 3 gang cap and some tubes.
Otherwise clean. $10.

(2)  BC 453. Case is rough but is electrically ok. No bottom cover. Dyno
area intact.
 Has had a phone jack, gain control and switch added to front panel.$20.

(3)  BC 453. Misiing bottom cover. An aluminium plate has been added in lieu
front panel. Very Clean. The metal caps have been replaced in a very
professional manner.
An audio transformer and "S" meter amp have been added in the Dynamotor
area. $25.

(4)  BC221 modified. A homebrew power supply has been added. Installed in a
non standard case.
With book and Working. $10

(5)  RCAF C2 freq meter. No case. Otherwise intact and origional  $10

Shipping is extra.

tnx es 73
Lorne VE7BOX

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