FS: Boatanchor test gear

Bruce Brackin bbrackin at BELLSOUTH.NET
Fri Jul 13 23:02:03 EDT 2001

Need to clear some bench space - Please email direct for specifics.

1) URM-25D signal generator with cover.  Working great, good condition.
    Cover is dinged up some.  Sorry - missing accessories.  With
    manual in excellent condition.
    $125 PLUS actual shipping (~40 lbs) from 39047.

2) Mercury Model 1101 Tube tester.  Good condition, emission tester with

    manuals/supplements (1967, 1968 and 11/78)
    $60 including shipping to CONUS address.

3) Heath T-3 'Visual-Aural Signal Tracer' Very good condition - PS has
    electrolytic can.  With 'ratty', but complete original manual.
    $55  including shipping to CONUS address.

4) Heath IG-102 RF Signal generator.  Fair to good appearance - good
    Like most, dial accuracy is not great.  $45  including shipping to
CONUS address.

I'm in DFW area almost monthly so could arrange drop off - Bruce, KD5IUG

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