Mackay-Dymek DA-100 Active Antenna schematic

Jim Strohm jstrohm at TEXAS.NET
Tue Jul 31 01:09:08 EDT 2001

n4xy at sez --

>Somebody was looking for a schematic on this Active Antenna a week or so
>ago. I just found one. Look about 1/3 of the way down under the paragraph
>entitled "Antennas". The URL is:
> . This is an
>interesting website about "Chirp Sounders".

Yes, VERY interesting.

Check out the link to "A Compact Directional Receiving Antenna by K9AY - "
Apparently, "nordicdx" means different things to different people.  And
although my old Plymouth 440 Road Runner had a serious leak in the
tailshaft seal, I reject any resemblance to what that particular site calls
"wet trannies."

also an occasional victim of web redirects and domain theft

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