FW: Collins 180 ATU info needed

Rick Robinson rerobins at EMAIL.UNCC.EDU
Mon Mar 19 13:43:41 EST 2001

I am forwarding the following inquiry along to the boatanchor for a ham in
the UK.  Please reply to Paul direct at paul at g0wat.demon.co.uk.


Rick kf4ar

>Anyone out there help me with some info on an ATU I have just
>aquired...it is a Collins 180U-2...appears to be of military origin...is
>an L Match with N type in and outs...it appears quite a spiffy design
>and certainly well made, the mini roller inductor is very nice...however
>I have no instructions at all on the thing..Yes I do know how to use an
>ATU but on this one I am not sure what is the TX in and ant in and I do
>not want to go popping any of the doorknob capacitors inside as they
>well be a b***er to replace as the thing is virtually a sealed unit
>(apropos military connotation earlier)...
>Therefore any info gratefully accepted...I thought as Collins is an
>product a posting here may elicit more of a response than a IUK based
>Paul Brice-Stevens
>paul at g0wat.demon.co.uk

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