Anritsu Receiver, and items for sale.

Murray Grandy mgrandy at TELUS.NET
Mon May 28 01:20:28 EDT 2001

I am trying to find info on above receiver. The name is Anritsu, model
ARR-3016. The power supply is model ARZ 7089.
This is a real boatanchor. I guess it's Japanese, although the knobs etc all
have English labels. The tubes 6SJ6 etc all have Japanese writing on them.
There is a brass tag on front of cabinet that says it was made in 1951. I
could send pictures if there is anyone who might want to see the radio. Also
have the following three item for sale, cheep.
B&K Model 1460 O scope, horizontal circuit seems not to be working?
B&K Model 1077B TV Analyst, looks good, don't know how to test.
B&K Model 415 Sweep Gen.  Any interest?

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