here is my want list!!!! I am always looking for professional journals, conference proceedings, and upper-level and graduate-level books in EE and related areas of applied physics. Early childrens books on these subject wanted also! I look for older stuff

ed sharpe esharpe at USWEST.NET
Tue Nov 6 21:58:08 EST 2001

here is our want list!!!! We am always looking for professional journals,
conference proceedings, and upper-level and graduate-level books in EE and
related areas of applied physics.

Early children's books on these subject wanted also! I look for older stuff
(back to the start of time) as well as current stuff.

The list below is a general guideline, if you have material that is in
question email me at couryhouse at or esharpe at

Book subjects I look for include, for example:

 - Radio - Television - RADAR - Microscope catalogs, books, and books
depicting use of microscopes in any use. - Very early medical and nursing
books. - Countermeasures - Wireless - Broadcasting - Broadcast
personalities - Paper goods related to broadcasting or actual artifacts -
Telephone Communications - Telegraph - Photography - Underwater Cable (i.e.
Transatlantic cable) - Electron Microscope - Physics - Space and rocketry -
History of Science and Technology - Early X-ray - Company history books
(These are biographies of companies) - Chemistry (early or really
esoteric) - Acoustics (esp. audio); - Plasma engineering or physics; - All
areas of telecomm engineering; - Applied math or math methods; - Geology (
Not the intro., books !Microfossils are good!); - Analog circuits; -
Transistor or integrated circuit fabrication or device structures; -
Microprocessor design (or Memory design); - Computer architecture,
especially parallel, graphics, and high-speed processing; - Materials
science or solid-state physics of thin film or semiconductor materials; -
Digital Signal Processing, especially speech and image processing; -
Microwave circuits and antennas; - Optics; - Medical Electronics; -
Solid-state power devices (discrete or integrated); Looking for anything in
various other applied physics and electrical engineering areas. If you do
not see it here but think it might be an "Ed Sharpe" Book call, Email or
drop a note Dealers: a number of areas of mechanical, petroleum, and
aerospace engineering are also of interest - please inquire for more details
on this area, or send lists of what you have. Journals, Magazine and
Conference Proceedings wanted include, for example: IEDM (International
Electron Devices Meeting) ISSCC (IEEE International Solid-State Circuits
Conference) Symposium on VLSI Technology Bell System Technical Journals Bell
Laboritories "RECORD" Semiconductor International Popular Elecronics Pre-
1970 Electronics Illustrated pre- 1970 Radio News Modern Electrics Wireless
Experimenter Any pre- 1950 paper or magazines! Electronics EDN or
Electronics Design News Journal of the Electrochem. Soc. Journal of the
American Vacuum Soc. IRE Journals and proceedings IEEE Journals and others
are also wanted..

Again, if it looks like it fits this list even remotely Email me!

Thanks for  reading this! Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC

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