Assemblies available

Glen E. Zook gzook at HOME.COM
Fri Nov 30 21:21:52 EST 2001

Here is the list of "boat anchor" parts and assemblies that I am now
able to furnish:


DX-35 / DX-40 Crystal Door Covers.  These are painted with the "proper"
Heath #110 gray paint with a slightly heavier crackle than the original
(I had to go to the heavier crackle to get repetitive results), but look
fine on the back of the cabinet.

$11.50 each postpaid CONUS, $13.50 US postpaid Canada, $12.33 Texas

DX-20 / HX-11 Crystal Hole Plugs.  These were originally in both
unpainted and painted with gray crackle paint (the majority were
unpainted).  The reproductions come with the "stud" for mounting the
large gray plastic Heath knob (NO KNOB with these).

Plain:  $14.00 each postpaid CONUS, $16.00 US postpaid Canada, $15.16
Texas residents

Painted:  $16.00 each postpaid CONUS, $18.00 US postpaid Canada, $17.32
Texas residents

E. F. Johnson

Crystal Hole Plugs (maroon) for Valiant, Ranger, etc.:  These are
painted with the Johnson maroon paint and come with a "stud" for
attaching a small Johnson knob (NO KNOB with these).

$15.00 each postpaid CONUS, $17.00 US postpaid Canada, $16.24 Texas

Relay plug (HC6/U size) for many Johnson transmitters including Ranger,
Valiant, etc. These come with approximately 3 feet of wire attached and
are painted with the Johnson maroon paint.

$10.00 each postpaid CONUS, $12.00 US postpaid Canada, $10.83 Texas

White knob "pointer" inserts for most Johnson knobs.

$2.00 each, 6 for $10.00 plus $1.00 shipping CONUS, $2.00 US shipping
Canada, Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax.  Shipping charges are for
the entire order.

Headphone cord.  Brand new, black cloth covered wire containing two
twisted pairs of 22 gauge wire (4 wires total).  Five foot lengths,
perfect for headphone replacement.  Slightly "stiffer" than original
since it is new.  Works fine on both mono and stereo headphones.

$10.00 each postpaid CONUS, $8.00 for each additional CONUS.  Canada add
$1.50 US for postage.  Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax.

Nostalgia!  Reprints of my 1972 FM conversion manual entitled Converting
Commercial FM Gear.  This was originally published by 73 Publications
(73 Magazine).  Frankly, the information is REALLY DATED!  But, a number
of people have asked me for reprints for nostalgia purposes.

$12.00 each postpaid CONUS, $13.00 US postpaid Canada, $13.00 Texas

If anyone has any suggestions as to little assemblies that seem to be
missing from many rigs, please let me know and I'll see if they can be
easily reproduced.

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