DX-35 / DX-40 Crystal Door Covers

Glen E. Zook gzook at HOME.COM
Tue Oct 9 11:56:25 EDT 2001

I still have a few of the 3rd run of the crystal door covers for the
Heath DX-35 / DX-40 transmitters.

If you need one, they are $10.00 each plus $1.50 shipping and handling
CONUS making a total of $11.50 unless you happen to live in Texas.  Then
add 83 cents sales tax making a total of $12.33.  Canada add $2.00 US
making a total of $13.50.

International:  E-Mail and I'll see how much the shipping charges are.

I take personal cheques from licensed amateurs in the US.

Send funds to

Glen E. Zook
410 Lawndale Drive
Richardson, Texas 75080


Glen, K9STH

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