My homemade MFP

Jim Berry basalop at GTE.NET
Wed Oct 10 00:41:51 EDT 2001

First of all, I want to thank everyone who sent me info
on how to go about it.

I tried to mix some food coloring with some of the stuff
I have, and it worked.  I was able to come very close to
the original MFP look I was looking for.

Even though the Flecto Varathane I had, says water clean up,
I think it is really oil based.  The food coloring did not
want to mix with it.  I also had some Carver Tripp Super Poly,
but was kind of avoiding it because it was milk colored.  It
goes on nice and clear, and the food coloring mixes with it
real well.  I used the Carver Tripp.

The right way would be to go to a paint place.  Of course you
would want to take along a sample, and they probably could match
the exact color you wanted.

Again thanks. MFP colored cup cakes anyone?

73 Jim K7SLI

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