DX-20 / HX-11 / Johnson Crystal Hole Cover Plugs

Glen E. Zook gzook at HOME.COM
Tue Oct 16 17:15:24 EDT 2001

The crystal hole cover plugs for the Heath DX-20 and HX-11 (2 inches in
diameter) are ready to ship.  The Johnson plugs (1.5 inches in diameter)
are just waiting on the maroon paint.  Mike Shelton at Total Electronics
has informed me that the paint has already shipped.  Hopefully it will
be here by this weekend.

The DX-20 / HX-11 plugs are available both in a "plain" metal finish or
in a gray crackle.  The Johnson only in the "slick" maroon finish.

Both type of plugs are furnished with a "stud" to mount the correct type
of knob.  The Heath use the large gray knob like on the two large knobs
on the rig and the Johnson use one of the "small" knobs like on the rest
of the front panel.  These are LESS KNOBS.

Prices of the hole plug type crystal doors (for a quantity of one),
including postage, are as follows:

Prices are as follows:

DX-20 plain

    $14.00 CONUS, $16 US Canada, $15.16 Texas residents

DX-20 gray crackle finish

    $16.00 CONUS, $18 US Canada, $17.32 Texas residents


    $15.00 CONUS, $17 US Canada, $16.24 Texas residents

I still have the crystal door covers for the DX-35 / DX-40.  The
postpaid prices for each of these is as follows:

$11.50 CONUS, $13.50 US Canada, $12.33 Texas residents

Send a cheque with total amount for number of doors needed (can "mix and
match") with your name and address to

Glen E. Zook
410 Lawndale Drive
Richardson, Texas 75080


Glen, K9STH

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