Valiant going, going...

Stephens, Al Allan.Stephens at EKU.EDU
Thu Sep 13 13:16:37 EDT 2001


     Got a Valiant in nice physical condition about a year ago, have not got
to it, do not foresee getting to it in the near future so shall be passing
it along to a good home where it will be fired up and used.

     Cincinnati Hamfest coming up this weekend and I am thinking of hauling
it up there, but figured I'd offer it here first.  I do NOT want to try to
ship the beast.

     Johnson Viking Valiant AM-CW transmitter, 10 through 160 meters, lotta
power (three 6146's in final), good physical condition, electrical condition
unknown,  $325.  If you want it and can pick it up at the Sunday Cincinnati
hamfest, let me know and I'll bring it and hold it for you.  I am willing to
haul it out about 100 miles to hand it over to someone (Cincinnati,
Louisville, e.g.).  $25 off if you come to Richmond, Kentucky (straight down
I-75 from Cincinnati, about 20 miles south of Lexington), and pick it up

     It would be a good one to put on "CX," the Classic Radio Exchange
contest coming up September 30, the last Sunday this month.  (I think I
finally got that right!).

     Any interest?

    73,  Al  N5AIT
  Allan.Stephens at

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