Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sat Sep 22 12:04:26 EDT 2001


Dow-key relay 115V AC model with SO-239 connectors. Has external switch
contacts DPDT. Picture available. Will sell for $45.00

Footswitch - heavy duty Clipper with contacts rated for 20 amps.
Comes with an extra heavy duty AC cord with industrial grade plug
and in-line socket. Picture available. Will sell for $20.00

CAL-RAD 6-way hi-fi speaker selector switch model CSS new in box.
Picture available. Will sell for $5.00

Barker & Williamson FL-1500 Low pass filter. Like new.
Picture available. Will sell for $35.00

Barker & Williamson rotary antenna selector switch assembly.
Has four SO-239 connectors in a hex shaped connector box,
Excellent condition. Picture available. Will sell for $25.00

Aluminum Chassis 10" X 5" X 3". Has one small transformer mounted on it,
but otherwise is unused. Picture available. Will sell for $10.00

R.L. Drake Co. TV100LP low pass filter with standard SO-239 connectors.
Very good condition. Picture available. Will sell for $9.00

R.L. Drake Co. TV-3300 low pass filter with standard SO-239 connectors.
Very good condition. Picture available. Will sell for $29.00

Shure 404B mobile mic. Low impedance model. Excellent shape.
Picture available. Will sell for $20.00

Micronta SWR meter. Needs new potentiometer. Easily replaced.
Picture available. Will sell for $6.00

General Radio VARIAC model W5 0-120V AC at 5 Amps.
Picture available. Will sell for $45.00

Shipping additional on all items.

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