Books F/S #1

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sat Apr 20 17:54:27 EDT 2002

Hi all  have the following books  For Sale...Postage will be additional at
book rate
or  however  you want them shipped!!!

1.  Radio Shack Catalog 1963  Exc Cdx    $10.00

2.  Novice and Tech Handbook  by Bill Orr  First Edition  $10.00

3.  Wire Antennas by Bill Orr  First Edition 1972   $10.00

4.  Amateur Radio Construction Projects by Charles Caringella  First Edition
1963 $10.00

5.  Fifty Years of the ARRL    1965      $15.00

6.  104 Ham Radio Projects (Hard Bond ) Third Printing 1970   $10.00

7.  Radio 1 and 2  Training for Victory  WW II Raddio training two volumes
Hard Bound Like new condition
    $25.00  for both

8.  ARRL Handbook 1954    Exc Cdx    $15.00

9.  ARRL Handbook  1962   Exc Cdx  Cover loose    $15.00

10.  ARRL  Mobile Manual  1955  Like New    $10.00

11.  CQ Anthology II 1952-1959  Art Seidman   $10.00

If someone wants all of  the above   $120.00  Shipped Book Rate...More to

Thanks for reading   Bob K1JNN/5

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