Maxwell Radio Corporation

Don Buska d.buska at ADVANTEST.COM
Fri Jan 11 12:24:45 EST 2002

Hi All,

Has anyone heard of the Maxwell Radio Corporation?  I just picked up an old 0-80mA
meter that is labeled with their title.  I checked through the index of my OTB CD's
and a bunch of may old magazines and found no reference to this company.  The meter
itself was made by Jewel Electrical Instruments Company so my guess is that Maxwell is
indeed an American Company.  Jewel operated until 1932 when they were bought out by
Weston, but I'm not sure when Weston might have removed the Jewel name.  However, I'd
think it would be wise to assume that Maxwell was around prior to 1932.

Any leads?  I figured the meter would make a good plate current meter for a little
TGTP transmitter.


Don N9OO

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