Heathkit Stuff for Sale

Emile Imberman Emile_Imberman at 3COM.COM
Tue Jan 15 15:24:57 EST 2002

       I am looking to sell the following 4 Heath Units.
     Two SB300's and Two SB400's.  I have decided to work on some other
stuff and would like to make room.  These are two receivers and two
transmitters.  They look OK and I believe that at the very least, with all
of the parts, you can have a nice SB300/400 with a lot of parts left over
to sell ( if you do that sort of thing).  I bought a bunch of Heat Stuff
and had plans for a 300/400 Station and 301/401 Station, etc.  I am out of
space and time.  $225 for the 4 pieces with a set of  Manuals. I am in the
Dallas, Tx.  area and would meet someone within a comfortable proximity or
I can ship (might end up getting expensive).  Please let me know if you are


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