75A1 dials

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jan 28 00:48:38 EST 2002

As a result of the need for replacing the "slide rule"
dial on a 75A1 that I was servicing, I have come up
with the following replacement parts:

The calibration dial itself (the one with the
frequencies printed thereon).

The white backing that goes behind the plexiglass
strips that are located behind the dial.

The glass that is immediately behind the front panel.

The dial and glass are actually made from plexiglass
and not "real" glass as are the originals.  However,
they look the same and are much less likely to break
than the originals.

Prices are as follows:

Each dial:  $15.00 post paid CONUS, $17.00 US post
paid Canada, $16.24 post paid Texas residents.

Replacement front "glass":  $10.00 post paid CONUS,
$12.00 US post paid Canada, $10.83 post paid Texas

White dial backing:  $2.50 post paid CONUS, $3.50 post
paid Canada, $2.71 post paid Texas residents.

Package of all three parts:  $25.00 post paid CONUS,
$28.00 US post paid Canada, $27.06 post paid Texas

If I can "get my hands on" a dial for the 32V series
transmitters, I think I can do them as well.

These are the slide rule dials only, I haven't come up
with a good way to make the circular dials as of this

If you need any of these parts, send a cheque to

Glen E. Zook
410 Lawndale Drive
Richardson, Texas 75080

For a list of the reproduction parts that I am now
making and for pricing on repairs, alignments, etc.,
E-Mail and I'll forward the list to you.


Glen, K9STH

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