FS: ARC-5 Xmtr & some HF Crystals

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Tue Mar 12 10:26:00 EST 2002


ARC-5 Transmitter for 3.5 to 3.8 MHz. Aluminum finish case (not black).
All intact and unmodified. All parts present including original antenna terminals.
(Not SO-239) - All tubes are there. Only thing missing is the plastic horizontal scale
that goes across the front for the final tuning. Will sell for $40.00 plus shipping


100 kc. RCA Crystal Unit type VC-5M with three pins. Also comes with the
socket. Tough black metal case.Both items look to be unused.
2-1/2"  X  1-1/8"  X  2" tall. Built like a battleship. $12.00

100 kc. RCA  Crystal Unit type VC-5K-S with same three-pin set up. No socket.
Bakelite (or similar) case. $10.00

1840 kc. Crystal Unit type A by Tel & Radio Corp. USA. L:arge case with handle.
1-1/2" wide, and about 2" tall. Pin spacing 3/4".  $10.00

3612.5 kc. Bliley Crystal Type LD2, 1-3/8" dia. round holder, 3/4" pin spacing $10.00
5684.5 kc.HIPOWER Co. Type LTCR round crystal, larger pins 3/4" apart $4.00
7000 kc. Peterson Radio CO.  1.2" wide, larger pins 3/4" apart $5.00
7054 kc. Bliley Crystal Type BC3, 1-3/8" dia. round holder, 3/4" pin spacing $10.00
7199 kc in FT243 case, Texas Crystals $4.00
7250 kc. in FT243 case, Bliley $4.00
7290 kc Crystal in a CR-1/A holder, 1/2" pin spacing $10.00
8002.69 in a CR-1/A holder, 1/2" pin spacing $2.00
8007.69 kc in a CR-1/A case $2.00 each (QTY 5 available)
(buy all 5 for $7.00)
8297.14 kc. in a moisture proof CR-1A/AR case $2.00
8500 kc. in a CR-1/A holder, 1/2" pin spacing $2.00

Note: CR-1A = HC-11/U

Shipping additional

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