What is this?

Ian Webb ianwebb5 at ATTBI.COM
Mon May 13 22:21:39 EDT 2002

Actually, it looked at quick glance when I viewed it as though there was
a place for a crystal on the front.  Did I imagine that?

If so, it could have been a simple 2 meter converter to use with the car
radio in the days of AM or for slope detection of FM....????

Ian, K6SDE

Ed Tanton wrote:

>I should have explained that it would match your car antenna to your 2M
>rig-or switch the antenna back to the car radio.
>73  Ed Tanton  N4XY  <n4xy at earthlink.net>
>Ed Tanton  N4XY
>189 Pioneer Trail
>Marietta, GA  30068-3466
>website:   http://www.n4xy.com

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