FS Test Gear

Keith Rowland k4kgw at ATTBI.COM
Tue May 14 10:32:47 EDT 2002

RF Signal Generator, Superior Instrument Company Model 660, appears to
be 50s or early 60s.  Exceptionally clean condition.  Fully operational
No manual.  Weighs 10 pounds and is approximately 10 X 12 X 7 in size.
Shipped in new box and packing material CONUS only, via UPS Ground.
$40.00, plus 9.00 shipping and $8.00 for box and packing materials;
total:  $57.00.

Sweep Signal Generator, Approved Electronic Instrument Corporation Model
A-400.  Also very clean and fully operational.  Looks to have been made
in the 50s.  No manual.  With original probes.  Weighs approximately 15
pounds and is about 10 X 12 X 19 in size.  Shipped in new box and
packing material via UPS Ground, CONUS only.  $40.00 plus $18.00 for
box, packing materials and shipping; total:  $58.00.

Payment by money order for immediate shipping.  If by personal check,
allow 2 weeks for check to clear (unless we know each other!).


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