FS: Mattco 745 Frequency Counter

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Sat Nov 23 10:12:50 EST 2002

Mattco 745 Frequency Counter

Works with any radio to measure and show your
operating frequency. Simply  connects in line with your
antenna with a PL-259 jumper.

Has  controls for ON-OFF, SENSITIVITY and MHz-KHz.

The digital readout will show,  for example 27.185
in the MHz position or down two digits further
(if you want) in the kHz position.

Works at all power levels from 2 watts and up.

Requires 12V DC to operate. Fully tested and guaranteed.

Will sell for $125.00 plus $5.00 conus shipping

E-mail me for a picture or to arrange purchase:
Radios_R_Me at yahoo.com

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