Fred Olsen fwolsen at EXECPC.COM
Tue Oct 1 03:11:55 EDT 2002

J. Forster wrote:

> I received a message from:
> Fred Olsen <fwolsen at aerosurf.net>
> With a piece of the Tempe Boatanchor tag at the end. It had a .pif attachment.
> I suspected it's a virus or worm and dealt with it appropriately.
> Be careful.
> -John

John and all:
A friend of mine and I both received similar messages this evening.  His
had this email address: "fwolsen at zonelabs.com".  Neither of these nor
the one you received was genuine, and they did not originate with me.
It appears at first glance that someone has managed to grab two list
posts of mine, from some days or weeks past, and use them to create some
sort of ... whatever it is.

I have just spent a couple of hours checking and tweaking my resident
programs which are intended to deal with this sort of thing.  At present
I'll keep the specifics of what programs I use in addition to Norton AV
to myself, but they're fully adequate to the task.  My friend happens to
enjoy making sport of tracking down this sort of thing, and is good at
it.  Unfortunately no program which you or I can run (of which I'm
aware) can prevent anyone from forging an email.  The message fragments
and name and email address could be mine, yours, or anyone else's.  If
anyone reading this does not use appropriate protective software, and
keep it current, you are a fool.

Please be advised that no message from "me" carrying any email address
other than the one in this message's header is genuine, and should be
deleted without opening.  Never open attachments without exact knowledge
of "what" and "from whom".  And be assured that the perpetrator picked
the wrong two folks to mess with.  He will be hunted down, found, and
burned to the ground.

Very sincerely yours,
Fred Olsen
Outgoing checked by Norton AV.

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