FS: Yaesu FT-101EE Transceiver

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Fri Apr 4 05:33:09 EST 2003


Yaesu FT-101EE Transceiver in immaculate condition. Looks unbelievably good
for its age.

Comes with SP-101 speaker and original manual, AC and DC cables.

Very clean inside and out. No dents or scratches.
Excellent working condition. All in top notch shape, even has the original clear
plastic protective cover on the front panel.

Has 260 watts p.e.p. input on SSB and CW, plus 50 watts AM.
Full output on all bands 160 - 10m plus 11m receive crystal.
Comes with the AC power cable and I have the optional DC cable available.

This classic tube and solid state hybrid rig has a fantastic reputation and has
many extra features. Built-in power supplies for 115V (adjustable AC voltage
source) and 13.8V DC.

FT-101EE, AC, manual $245.00
SP-101 speaker $50.00
DC power cable $19.00

Shipping additional.
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