AC power supply for R.1155

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Mon Aug 25 17:38:30 EDT 2003

John - I built a 240V AC power supply for one of these back in 1964
at the age of 14. It was my very first SW receiver and I loved it!

The best I remember, it was a piece of cake to build this power supply with one
transformer that provided both 275V DC and
the 6.3V AC for the heaters. It was all entirely conventional.
I don't remember anything about something
floating in that set up...

I hope that helps. You could try asking G4BXD or G3UUR if you
are uncertain. Either could point you in the right direction for
some help if they do not know the answer themselves

Keep us posted - oh and if you get tired of the R-1155 PLEASE
sell it to me (grin!)

73 - Brian, AF4K / G3XLQ / A4941

On 25 Aug 2003 at 3:43, J. Forster wrote:

> Is anyone familiar with the Stewart-Warner purpose built AC power
> supply for the R.1155 receiver? I have one with an RCAF tag.
> The supply is conventional with two transformers (plate & filament), a
> 5Y4G, and a pi C-L-C filter in the B- line. The filter placement is
> unconventional.
> The accompanying R.1155 was modified by putting a cover plate over the
> male Jones connectors and bringing a power cable out the back of the
> case. I would like to use it with another (pristine) receiver.
> My question is this: In an ordinary R.1155, the HT was provided by a
> dynamotor and the (-) side floated below ground to bias the receiver.
> Is that also the case with this AC supply? It would be quite difficult
> to determine this by looking at the receiver circuitry, especially
> since the receiver that came with the power supply has some of the
> common ham mods.
> Thanks,
> -John
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